Use Automatic Reminder Emails

Use this process to schedule reminder Emails for one or more questionnaires at once. These are automatically run based on a set schedule, and can be set to cease after one of several circumstances or keep running perpetually on this schedule.

Step-by-step guide

 Show Me How to Use Automatic Reminders
To use automatic reminders in an Email Template, perform the following steps:
  1. Create a new Email Template, or select an existing one you would like to automate
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  2. Under the 'Send Automatic Reminder' section at the bottom of the template configuration page, click the 'Yes' button
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  3. Use the 'Reminder Date' calendar pop-up to indicate when the automatic Email should be sent out, and click the checkbox for 'Repeat' if the reminder should be sent out more than once
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  4. Select one or more questionnaires that the automatic Email should check for participants, as well as the participants that should receive the automatic Email based on status (You can select more than one questionnaire and more than one status)
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  5. Indicate whether or not the automatic reminders should be marked as 'Urgent' and whether or not the Emails should include a link to the participant's questionnaire by using the checkboxes near the bottom of the page
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  6. Click the 'Update' or 'Save' button to confirm the automatic reminder settings (Depending on whether you are editing an existing template or creating a new one.
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  7. The automatic Email will be sent out according to the schedule from the template configuration page
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 Show Me How to Set Up Automatically Repeating Reminders
To configure an automatic Email to run on a repeating schedule, perform the following steps:
  1. Click the checkbox for 'Repeat' if the reminder should be sent out more than once
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  2. Select the frequency with which the Email is sent out by using the 'Repeats' dropdown menu
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  3. After selecting a repeating schedule, select the finer points of the schedule using the choice-dependent options that appear after selecting one of the options from Step 2
    1.  If you selected Daily...

      ...Pick the frequency of days that this Email should be sent out. In the case below, the Email will go out every day. That's sure to get someone's attention...

    2.  If you selected Every weekday (Monday to Friday)...

      ...That's it! The Email will go out on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for as long as the Reminder Date and the occurrence itself allows.

    3.  If you selected Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday...

      ...That's it! The Email will go out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for as long as the Reminder Date and the occurrence itself allows.

    4.  If you selected Every Tuesday and Thursday...

      ...That's it! The Email will go out on Tuesday and Thursday for as long as the Reminder Date and the occurrence itself allows.

    5.  If you selected Weekly...

      ...Select the interval of weeks the reminder should go out, and on which day. In the example below, the Email would go out every two weeks on Friday.

    6.  If you selected Monthly...

      ...Select the interval of months the reminder should go out, and specify if the Reminder Date indicates the same date each month for the Email to go out, or if it represents the same day of the week each month the reminder goes out. Confused? This example uses a Reminder Date of Monday, August 28, 2017. By selecting 'day of the month' the reminder for the next month would also be on the 28th. However, by selecting 'day of the week' the reminder would go out on the fourth Monday of the following month.

    7.  If you selected Yearly...

      ...Select the interval of years the reminder should go out. In the example below, the reminder would go out on August 28 of each year.

  4. Select the circumstances in which the automatic reminder will cease by choosing an option from the 'Ends' menu
    1.  If you select Never...

      ...The automatic Email will be sent out on the chosen schedule indefinitely. You can always change this to something else at a later time if you are unsure of when the automatic Emails should end.

    2.  If you select After __ occurrence(s)...

      ...The automatic Email will end after the chosen number of times that the Email has been sent out to participants. So, if you were to select 4, the automatic schedule would end after the fourth round of Emails.

    3.  If you select On ________...

      ...The automatic Emails will end as of the chosen date. By default, this is a year from the Reminder Date, but this can be set to any future date.

  5. After configuring the repeating schedule and the rest of the automatic reminder parameters, click the 'Save' or 'Update' button to confirm
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Did you know: Automatic reminders are sent out as-is, and cannot be edited unless the template itself is changed. Please keep this in mind when designing templates that will be used for automatic reminders.