Can Claims (CCLF) Imports be disabled?


On the QM Import Chart, an administrator may set priority levels for multiple types of response data for QM and GPRO modules. However, some organizations prefer that response data related to claims (CCLF) not be imported due to lack of supporting information. Can this be disabled?


To prevent claims data from automatically being imported to populate quality measure responses, make sure that no number is selected in the Claims (CCLF) Imports column of the QM Import Chart. Please keep in mind, however, that you will still need to select appropriate numbers for the other columns. For example, each row should have a 1, 2, and 3 for the other three primary response types, rather than 1, 2, and 4. On the example image below, compare the row for ACO 18 to ACO 42.


Configure QM Import Chart