Admit, Discharge, Transfer (ADT) Options

Charts -  Follow-Up Events

Open Follow-Up Events (Care Coordination): Open events with follow-up date 30 days in the future.

Closed Follow-Up Events (Care Coordination): Closed events with follow-up dates 30 days in the future.

Patient generated events: template created by the patient in the last 30 days in Get Your Health Record.

ADT: Admit, Re-admission, ED in last 45 days from current date using claims data.

*Note: CCLF files have a 90-120 day lag for claims data. You can enroll patients in Get Your Health Record to sync Bluebutton 2.0 data. Once the patient allows sharing, the data will be updated weekly.

3 or more care gaps: 3 or more Quality Measures that are incomplete per attributed patient.