Admin Troubleshooting articles
- Definitions of 'Attributed' and 'Assigned' Patients
- Does the manual patient assignment import need all patients in my ACO to import?
- How are Provider names made?
- How can I run the patient assignment algorithm without configuring my TINs/NPIs?
- How can we include providers that are not in the QASSGN?
- How do I assign patients to a non-QASSGN related provider?
- How do I associate CCNs with TINs?
- How does the system define in network or out of network visits and how do I change this?
- Patients were not assigned after completing the TIN/NPI import, what should I do?
- What do the two sets of buttons on the patient assignment algorithm do?
- What happens if a patient is in our QASSGN file but is not in the Health Endeavors database?
- What happens if a practice leaves my ACO mid-year?
- What is a Facility NPI?
- What is an unassigned patient?
- What is the difference between a Warning and an Error in the Network Manager tool?
- When editing TIN/NPI assignments on the Network Managemer Review page, what are the drop-down menu options based on?
- Why is this patient attributed to my ACO?
- Why should I configure Divisions in the Network Manager tool?
- Why should I configure Subgroups?
- How are patients attributed to an NPI?