Get Your Health Record: Username and Password Requirements

Use this reference page when creating your username and password on Get Your Health Record to help ensure a smooth registration process.

Username Requirements:
  1. Dos:
    1. 8 to 30 characters long with no spaces

    2. Can include letters, numbers and the following special characters: @ ! . - _ $

    3. Include at least 4 letters

    4. Your Email Address can be used

  2. Don'ts:
    1. Do not use your Medicare Number or SSN

    2. Cannot be same as your Password

    3. Don’t use a special character at the beginning or end of your username

Password Requirements:
  1. Dos:
    1. Must be 8 to 16 characters long

    2. Must contain at least one letter

    3. Must contain at least one number

    4. Must also contain one or more of the following special characters: @ ! $ % ^ * ( )

  2. Don'ts:
    1. Cannot contain your username

    2. Do not use your Medicare/Insurance Number or SSN